Commencing....Toronto Tech Fest

Featuring The Biggest Tech Event Of The Year

As time inches closer and closer to the main event, we will be doing a countdown of events towards the week of Toronto Tech Fest. We will be featuring some upcoming events as well as reminding you all what we have in store for you 🚀

West Meets East?

THE FIRST EVENT to come is drawing people from the west coast… SF/LA/SEATTLE MIXER. If you want to meet founders from startup city, you definitely do not want to miss this one.

Upcoming Events 🚀

Apr 20 - ADPList Meetup (Global community of mentors and learners)

Apr 20 (Sign Up Deadline) - DevToDollars Tech Founder Bootcamp


For anyone looking to gain visibility or to just support our newsletter we would love to chat! Please reach out to [email protected] 

Stay Tuned Here 👇

Thank you for reading Aceocial’s newsletter! Subscribe for free to keep up with the latest and greatest events in Toronto. We look forward to seeing you at our next event 👋